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Development, Establishment and Current Achievement of Animal Traceability System in Malaysia
Salina*, A.B. and Azmie, M.Z.
Department of Veterinary Services, 62630 Putrajaya, Malaysia
Malaysian J. Anim. Sci. 2013 16(2): 83-98
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The animal traceability system works as a complement to animal disease control program. Malaysia has been serious in developing the animal traceability system in order to control diseases, to get disease free declaration from The World Organisation of Animal Health (OIE) and to meet the importation regulations of other countries. This action will also help in increasing the competitiveness of Malaysia?s livestock industry. Three main components in animal traceability system are animal identification, premise and owner registration and animal movement control. Malaysia has developed the system modularly and the implementation was conducted in stages involving state and federal territory. The data were obtained from various modular databases including the ePermit1, eQuarantine, ePermit2, Pet Passport, eBreed, BurungWalit, TAC Online, ADIC and ipVEINs database which consists of premise, animal and pet registration, import/export, inter- and intra-state animal movement, quarantine management and disease index management. After five years of implementation, the Department of Veterinary Services Malaysia (DVS) is able to locate more than forty thousand premises, trace back and forward more than three hundred thousand animals and pets, identify more than fifteen thousand transports used for animal and animal product movement and monitor more than 700,000 movement consignments between and within the countries. The implementation of the Malaysia?s animal traceability system is being carried out in accordance with acts, regulations, state enactments, veterinary and import protocols, and standard operating procedures in force. This well-designed traceability system has advanced Malaysia?s performance veterinary services to a higher level and will continue doing so till the near future.
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