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The Effects of Stingless Bee Honey in Tris Extender on Semen Quality of Boer Goat at 37?C
S. Siti Aisyah*, A. Sebastian
Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 90000 Sandakan, Malaysia
Malaysian J. Anim. Sci. 2022 25(1): 22-31
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Tris extender supplemented with honey sourced from honey bees is widely researched. However, alternative usage of stingless bee honey (SBH) as a semen extender is still scarce. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the effect of different concentrations of SBH supplemented in Tris extender on the semen survivability of goats. Semen samples from three male Boer goats were collected using an artificial vagina and pooled before being diluted into Tris Buffer Solution (TBS) as control and three different concentration of SBH extenders (0.5%; SBH1, 1.0%; SBH2, 1.5%; SBH3 respectively). Samples were prepared by volume per volume (v/v) of pure SBH, respectively. Semen evaluations were conducted every 2 hours for the first 10 hours, once during the 24 hours, and every 12 hours thereafter. Semen samples from each treatment were then assessed for sperm individual progressive motility, sperm viability and sperm abnormality through microscopic observation and eosin-nigrosin staining procedure. Throughout this period, the extended semen was kept in a water bath set at 37?C. Sperm individual progressive motility and viability when supplemented with 0.5% stingless bee honey are comparable to the control treatment which contain TBS only, and both can preserve sperm motility and viability for up to 24 hours. However, the addition of different concentrations of SBH does not have any effect on sperm abnormality parameters. This concludes sperm treated at 0.5% concentration prolonged the survivability until 24 hours compared to the higher concentration of 1.0% and 1.5% of SHB supplementation when treated at 37?C.
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