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Use of sweet orange peel meal (SOPM) in broiler chicken diet with and without Polyzyme
Sunmola, T. A.*, Tuleun, C. D. and Oluremi, O.I.A.
Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Science, University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2373, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
Malaysian J. Anim. Sci. 2019 22(2): 35-44
Click to view the abstract
A study was conducted to evaluate the use of sweet orange peel meal (SOPM) in broiler chicken diet with and without polyzyme?. An 8 week feeding trial was carried out using day old Abor Acre plus strain of broiler chickens. Four groups of 36 birds each were fed two diets that contained 20 and 25 % sweet orange peel meal with or without Polyzyme? in a factorial design. Data were collected on growth performance, nutrient utilization, carcass characteristics and intestinal tract length. Significant (p<0.05) depression were observed in average final weight (1976.64 to 1775.76 g), average daily weight gain (34.69 to 31.10 g) and average daily feed intake (79.98 to 70.65 g) when sweet orange peel meal was increased from 20 to 25 % in the diets. This effect was reversed when enzyme was added in the diet. Except on crude protein; increasing the sweet orange peel meal from 20 to 25 % did not have significant (P>0.05) effect on feed utililization and mortality. Birds fed 25 % sweet orange peel meal had lower (p<0.05) live weight and crude protein utilization than those fed 20 % which were improved when enzyme was added. Gizzard weight and gastrointestinal tract length of birds fed 25 % rice bran were higher (p<0.05). It was concluded that 20 sweet orange peel meal can be included in broiler diets but may be increased to 25% when polyzyme?is added.
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