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Effect of addition of propionic acid and fumigation with aluminum phosphide on the nutritive value of grain corn stored in silos six month
Telaumbanua, Y.*, Tafsin, M. and Hanafi, N.D.
Department Magister of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Malaysian J. Anim. Sci. 2019 22(2): 11-26
Click to view the abstract
The use of corn for poultry feed is on average 50-60% of its portion. Corn has many advantages compared to other feed materials. Corn storage in silos is aimed at maintaining the quality of the stored grains by avoiding, reducing or eliminating various factors that can reduce their quality and quantity. A longer storage tends to reduces the nutritional value of corn. Corn without treatment (control) was found to reduce crude protein from 8.41 to 6.95%, crude fat from 4.28 to 3.69%, gross energy from 3390 to 3282 kcal after 6 months of storage. Total aflatoxin increased from 5.19 to 38.40 pbb and crude fiber increased from 1.32 to 2.67%. But the addition of propionic acid as preservative and fumigation material using anti-weevil (aluminum phosphide) could slow the damage process of corn.
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