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Manipulation of factors affecting phytate hydrolysis in enhancing phytase efficacy in poultry: A review
Noraini*, S.
Animal Science Research Center, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), MARDI Headquarters, 43400 Serdang, Selangor
Malaysian J. Anim. Sci. 2017 20(1): 1-26
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Phosphorus in phytate is largely unavailable to chickens unless they are provided with dietary phytase. Phytase was shown to increase phytate degradation in the crop and proventriculus-gizzard and very little phytate degradation occurred in the duodenum-jejunum or ileum. These previous investigations were conducted on chickens fed corn based diet but not with wheat based diet. Increase in digesta passage or mean retention time (MRT) along the gastrointestinal tract could enhance phytase efficacy as the prolonged reaction time between substrates and phytase may further facilitate phytate dephosphorylation. Dietary fat and fibre supplementation have been shown to influence intestinal MRT in chickens therefore it is expected that inclusion of both dietary fat and fibre could be manipulated to further improve phytase efficacy in broiler chickens. This paper provides a brief review of in vitro phytate hydrolysis, phytate hydrolysis in the gastrointestinal tract of broilers and factors that affect phytate hydrolysis that can be manipulated to enhance the efficacy of phytase in poultry diets.
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