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Physiological response of growing pigs to qualitative and quantitative feed restriction in a humid tropical environment
Njoku, C.P.
*, Adeyemi, O.A.
, Sanya, B.J.
, Akinola, S.O.
and Oluwatosin, O.O.
Department of Animal Production and Health,
Department of Animal Nutrition, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Malaysian J. Anim. Sci. 2015 18(2): 125-140
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Feed restriction is a common management practice with market pigs to improve carcass quality and feed efficiency while decreasing production cost and carcass fat. But some scientists have argued that feed restriction poses stress on pig. Arising from this, a 3 x 3 factorial experiment was carried out to determine the physiological responses of growing pigs to qualitative and quantitative feed restriction. Fifty four mixed breed pigs with initial average weight of 6.72?0.38 kg were divided into 9 treatment groups. Treatments 1-3 consisted of pigs fed ad-libitum with rations containing 20, 18 or 16% crude protein, respectively, pigs on treatments 4-6 were fed 90% of ad-libitum with rations containing 20, 18 or 16% crude protein, respectively, while treatments 7-9 were fed 80% of ad-libitum with rations containing 20, 18 or 16% crude protein, respectively. Pulse rate and rectal temperature were monitored on weekly basis while blood samples were collected on the 12th week for haematological and serum analysis. Quality of feed offered had no significant effect (p>0.05) on the haematological and serum biochemistry parameters considered. Neutrophil, lymphocyte, neutrophil:lymphocyte, monocyte, total protein and cortisol values were significantly (p<0.05) influenced by quantity of feed offered. Rectal temperature and pulse rate were not significantly (p>0.05) influenced by the quality of feed, but they were significantly (p<0.05) affected by the quantity of feed offered. It can be concluded that quantitative not qualitative restriction had effect on some physiological (rectal temperature and pulse rate) and serum biochemistry parameters of growing pigs.
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