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Evaluation of anticoccidial effect of Khaya senegalensis stem bark on the performance of three strains of egg type chickens
Lala, A.*, Okwelum, N., Bello, K. O. and Salami, W. A.
Institute of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State Nigeria
Malaysian J. Anim. Sci. 2015 18(2): 113-124
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This study was carried out to evaluate the anticoccidial effect of Khaya senegalensis on growth and production performance of three strains of layer chickens. Three hundred and sixty day old commercial chicks were randomly allotted into 15 treatment combinations in a 5x3 factorial design with three strains of layer chickens: Isa Brown, Nera Black and Oba Blue and five coccidiostat treatments: control, 100 g/ton of conventional coccidiostat (sulphaquinoxaline), 100 g/ton of K. senegalensis in the basal diet between 21st -27th and 42nd -48th day, 200 g/ton K. senegalensis in the basal diet between 21st -27th and 42nd -48th day and 100 g/ton K. senegalensis in the basal diet continuously. Each of the groups had three replicates of 8 chicks raised in a deep litter system. Weight gain reduced (p<0.05) in chicks and pullets fed control diet in the three strains. Mortality was highest in Isa Brown chickens fed control diet while the lowest chick mortality occurred in Oba Blue birds with or without supplementation or medication. Egg weight was heaviest (p<0.05) in Isa brown birds with the lightest in Oba blue birds. From this study, K. senegalensis reduced oocyst count in all the strains and compared favourably with commercial anticoccidiostat. Isa Brown birds were more susceptible to coccidiosis, however more productive in terms of egg weight. It can be concluded that Khaya senegalensis can be used as an organic cocccidiostat in poultry production.
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