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Performance of Laying Hens Fed High Copra Meal-based Diets With or Without Exogenous Enzyme Supplementation
Diarra*, S.S., Saimone, M. and Olofia, L.
School of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of the South Pacific, Alafua Campus, Samoa
Malaysian J. Anim. Sci. 2014 17(2): 37-42
Click to view the abstract
The effect of enzyme supplementation of a high copra meal based diet on the performance of laying hens was investigated. A total of 60 Shaver Brown pullets aged 18 weeks were allotted to 12 floor pens in a completely randomised design. A control diet based on fish meal and 2 experimental diets containing 20% copra meal with or without supplemental Allzyme? were fed each to birds in 4 randomly selected pens for a period of 10 weeks. Data were collected on feed intake and egg performance (hen-day production, egg weight, egg mass, and feed: egg). Results showed significantly higher (P<0.05) feed intake, hen-day production, egg weight and egg mass on the non-enzyme supplemented copra meal diet. There were no dietary effects on final body weight and feed conversion ratio. It was concluded that at the level 20% of dietary copra meal, the enzyme supplementation is not required. This will beneficially reduce cost of egg production in the study area due to the readily availability and low cost of the test material.
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